Answered By: Jim Robinson
Last Updated: Mar 29, 2017     Views: 441

  • Booleans must be in UPPERCASE.
  • apples AND oranges will only find records with both apples and oranges in the titles or descriptions.
  • apples OR oranges will find all records with either apples, oranges, or both in the titles or descriptions.
  • The default search uses AND. If you don't use a boolean expression, you will perform an AND search.
  • apples NOT oranges will find all records with apples in the titles or descriptions as long as the records do not also contain oranges.
  • "apples and oranges" (in quotation marks) will find all records with the exact phrase "apples and oranges" in the titles or descriptions.
  • apples AND (oranges OR pears) finds all records with apples and either oranges or pears.
  • (apples AND oranges) OR pears finds all records with both apples and oranges or just pears.
  • (apples OR oranges) NOT fruit finds all records with either apples or oranges and do not contain fruit.
  • Wildcards ? and *
    • ? performs a single character wildcard search. For example, wom?n finds all records with women, woman, etc.
    • * performs a multiple character wildcard search. For example, cultur* finds all records with culture, cultural, culturally, etc.

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