If you are taking a web-based exam using the Respondus-Lockdown, Proctorio, Proctor-U, or other similar online proctoring services, the TCC Libraries can help you access quiet spaces to take your online exam that should meet the necessary requirements for lighting, privacy, etc.
If you are a TCC student taking a make-up test or written exam that requires a live proctor (on paper; not through an online proctoring service), then each TCC Campus has a Testing Center to help accommodate those needs. Check with the Testing Center on your campus for services and hours.
Unfortunately, TCC Librarians are not able to serve as exam proctors for outside institutions (such as Distance Learning courses from other colleges or universities, etc.); so for those students, outside of TCC, who need to take an exam that requires a live proctor, many local public libraries in the DFW area can offer proctoring services for a nominal fee.