Answered By: TR Learning Commons - Jim Robinson
Last Updated: Jan 09, 2023     Views: 1218

  1. To renew materials online, direct your browser to:
  2. Click on My Library Account in the menu bar at the top of the window. TCC Library Home Page, My Library Account link circled
  3. If you are not already logged in, you will need to log in using your TCC Single Sign On credentials (email address and password).      TCC Single Sign On login page
  4. Once you are logged in, you will see your library account page.
    1. When you are logged in, you will see your name in the upper left corner of the page.
    2. In the Overview tab, click "Renew All" to renew all your materials.
    3. Alternatively, click the Loans tab to renew individual materials. TCC Library Account page, arrow pointing to the loans tab, Renew All option circled
  5. If renewing individual materials, simply click the Renew button for the item. TCC Library Account Loans tab with Renew button circled
  6. Once renewed, you will see a message with the new due date. TCC Library Account page with renewal message circled
  7. If the items cannot be renewed online for any reason, a Not Renewable message will be displayed.TCC Library Account with Not Renewable circled
  8. Materials can be renewed online one time only. You must bring the materials with you to the library for additional renewals.
  9. Overdue materials cannot be renewed online. You must bring the materials to the library to have them checked in, then you may check them out again if there is not a hold on the materials.
  10. Additionally, you may request a renewal by sending an email to with your Student ID and the names of the materials you wish to have renewed.


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