Answered By: Jim Robinson
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2022     Views: 2817

Facets allow you to more precisely define your search. There are 2 types of facets:

  1. Pre-facets are filters that can be set before a search.
    • When you select "All collections", "In the Library", "Articles Databases", "Streaming Video", "Ebooks", or "Course Reserves" from the options before searching, you are setting a pre-facet.
    • When searching from the library home page, the Available online facet is applied automatically when searching Article Databases.
    • Pre-facets can also be set in Advanced Search
      1. From the library home page, click Advanced Search
      2. Select "All available collections", "In the Library", or "Database Articles", etc., just like in a Simple Search.
      3. If In the Library is selected, you may also define a Search Scope, including a specific campus, books only, or DVD/Blu-ray only, just like in a Simple Search.
      4. You can select specific fields to search, including title, author/creator, or subject
      5. Booleans can be added (AND, OR, NOT) (see more about boolean searches)
      6. Up to 7 Boolean lines can be added, but be careful because too many booleans may produce no results at all.
      7. More pre-facets can be set in Advanced Search, including Material Type, Language, or a Date Range.
  2. Post-facets, normally just referred to as facets, are filters that can be applied after a search.
    • These facets appear on the left after a search. (On a mobile device, tap Filter search results)
    • Facets only appear if there is at least one item matching that facet. For example, if there are no DVDs matching your search criteria, the DVD facet will not appear.
    • In most cases, only two facets are initially displayed per group, but clicking "Show More" will display all the available facets for the facet group.
    • Select multiple facets by hovering or focusing on a facet and checking the checkbox that appears to the left of the facet, then click "Apply Filters" at the bottom of the facet list.
    • Exclude results by hovering or focusing on a facet and clicking the red checkbox to the right of the facet, then click "Apply Filters" at the bottom of the facet list.
    • Facet Types:
      • Availability allows you to narrow your search to one or more of:
        1. Peer-reviewed Journals - Show only results from peer-reviewed journals.
        2. Full Text Online - Show only results with full-text available online.
        3. Available in the Library - Show only results that are in the library catalog. This includes physical items, ebooks, and streaming video.
      • Resource Type allows you to narrow your search to a specific type of item, e.g., Books, DVDs, Online video.
      • Creation Date allows you to select a date range when the item was created or published.
      • Subject will create a list of subjects based on the full set of results, so this list will be different for every search.
      • Author facets are also based on the full set of results, so this list will be different for every search.
      • Journal Title facets are only available if you've included articles in your search. Books, eBooks, Video, Audio searches generally do not include journals.
      • Collection facets show from which collections the search results were compiled. These include database vendor collections and local TCC collections.
      • Classification LCC shows the Library of Congress Classifications that are available in the search results. TCC uses Library of Congress Classifications for cataloging items.
      • Course Instructor facets show any instructors who may have placed any of the items in the search results on Course Reserve.
      • Course Number and Name facets show any courses that may have items in the search results on Course Reserve.
    • TCC Libraries Search Facets
  3. Inclusion and Exclusion
    • Single inclusion: Click on the facet term to refine to include a single facet term. The page will refresh immediately.
      Single inclusion facet example
    • Single exclusion: Click on the red X icon beside the term to refine to exclude a single facet term. The page will refresh immediately.
      Single exclusion facet example
    • Multiple inclusion: Click on the blue tick icon to the left of multiple terms. The page will not refresh until Apply Filters is clicked.
      Multiple include facets
    • Multiple exclusion: Click on the blue tick icon to the left of multiple terms, and then the red X icon to the right of multiple terms. This changes the blue tick icon to the red X icon. The page will not refresh until Apply Filters is clicked.
      Exclude multiple facets
    • Boolean operators when using multiple facet
      • OR – When multiple terms are selected from the one facet. For example: Articles OR Newspaper Articles (both terms from Resource Type facets)
        Facets OR filter
      • AND – When multiple terms are selected from different facets. For example: Articles AND Medicine (Articles from Resource Type facet and Medicine from Subject facet.)
        Facet AND filter
    • Included facets: Black text
    • Excluded facets: Red text with a black strikethrough

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