Answered By: Jim Robinson Last Updated: Dec 06, 2022 Views: 2817
Answered By: Jim Robinson
Last Updated: Dec 06, 2022 Views: 2817
Facets allow you to more precisely define your search. There are 2 types of facets:
- Pre-facets are filters that can be set before a search.
- When you select "All collections", "In the Library", "Articles Databases", "Streaming Video", "Ebooks", or "Course Reserves" from the options before searching, you are setting a pre-facet.
- When searching from the library home page, the Available online facet is applied automatically when searching Article Databases.
- Pre-facets can also be set in Advanced Search
- From the library home page, click Advanced Search
- Select "All available collections", "In the Library", or "Database Articles", etc., just like in a Simple Search.
- If In the Library is selected, you may also define a Search Scope, including a specific campus, books only, or DVD/Blu-ray only, just like in a Simple Search.
- You can select specific fields to search, including title, author/creator, or subject
- Booleans can be added (AND, OR, NOT) (see more about boolean searches)
- Up to 7 Boolean lines can be added, but be careful because too many booleans may produce no results at all.
- More pre-facets can be set in Advanced Search, including Material Type, Language, or a Date Range.
- Post-facets, normally just referred to as facets, are filters that can be applied after a search.
- These facets appear on the left after a search. (On a mobile device, tap Filter search results)
- Facets only appear if there is at least one item matching that facet. For example, if there are no DVDs matching your search criteria, the DVD facet will not appear.
- In most cases, only two facets are initially displayed per group, but clicking "Show More" will display all the available facets for the facet group.
- Select multiple facets by hovering or focusing on a facet and checking the checkbox that appears to the left of the facet, then click "Apply Filters" at the bottom of the facet list.
- Exclude results by hovering or focusing on a facet and clicking the red checkbox to the right of the facet, then click "Apply Filters" at the bottom of the facet list.
- Facet Types:
- Availability allows you to narrow your search to one or more of:
- Peer-reviewed Journals - Show only results from peer-reviewed journals.
- Full Text Online - Show only results with full-text available online.
- Available in the Library - Show only results that are in the library catalog. This includes physical items, ebooks, and streaming video.
- Resource Type allows you to narrow your search to a specific type of item, e.g., Books, DVDs, Online video.
- Creation Date allows you to select a date range when the item was created or published.
- Subject will create a list of subjects based on the full set of results, so this list will be different for every search.
- Author facets are also based on the full set of results, so this list will be different for every search.
- Journal Title facets are only available if you've included articles in your search. Books, eBooks, Video, Audio searches generally do not include journals.
- Collection facets show from which collections the search results were compiled. These include database vendor collections and local TCC collections.
- Classification LCC shows the Library of Congress Classifications that are available in the search results. TCC uses Library of Congress Classifications for cataloging items.
- Course Instructor facets show any instructors who may have placed any of the items in the search results on Course Reserve.
- Course Number and Name facets show any courses that may have items in the search results on Course Reserve.
- Availability allows you to narrow your search to one or more of:
- Inclusion and Exclusion
- Single inclusion: Click on the facet term to refine to include a single facet term. The page will refresh immediately.
- Single exclusion: Click on the red X icon beside the term to refine to exclude a single facet term. The page will refresh immediately.
- Multiple inclusion: Click on the blue tick icon to the left of multiple terms. The page will not refresh until Apply Filters is clicked.
- Multiple exclusion: Click on the blue tick icon to the left of multiple terms, and then the red X icon to the right of multiple terms. This changes the blue tick icon to the red X icon. The page will not refresh until Apply Filters is clicked.
- Boolean operators when using multiple facet
- OR – When multiple terms are selected from the one facet. For example: Articles OR Newspaper Articles (both terms from Resource Type facets)
- AND – When multiple terms are selected from different facets. For example: Articles AND Medicine (Articles from Resource Type facet and Medicine from Subject facet.)
- OR – When multiple terms are selected from the one facet. For example: Articles OR Newspaper Articles (both terms from Resource Type facets)
- Included facets: Black text
- Excluded facets: Red text with a black strikethrough
- Single inclusion: Click on the facet term to refine to include a single facet term. The page will refresh immediately.
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